Saturday, December 31, 2011
It's Gonna Get COLD for a while.......
.....snow got soft yesterday but all the trails are in good shape........we pushed snow from 9 pm til 11:30 pm last night in the areas that were rutted and thin..........then went to bed until 3:30 am when we cranked up the cats and did a full groom.........finishing at 6:30 this morning..........then back to bed for a couple more hours of sleep............yawn.......
.....but the trails are lookin good this it's worth the sleep deprivation.......I think.......
......we open at 10 this morning and have the Family Friendly New Years Eve party tonight til 11 pm..........obviously no snow tubing today or tonight.........but you can ski and/or snowboard on a park pass tonight and have a slice of pizza or hotdog with a soft drink included in your lift ticket......and party favors just before we watch the NYC Times Square ball drop on the big screen in the lodge..........and yes, if you need a lesson we will offer those for free tonight as well.......
......Happy New Year! Come on 2012........give us some snow........
Friday, December 30, 2011
History Lesson
......those are the day time highs for Seven Oaks starting with yesterday and going backwards........pretty amazing isn't it?!
....What else is amazing is that we still have all the trails open that we got open over two weeks ago.......and have pretty decent ski conditions........spring like conditions spite of all these unusually high temps.......
......we talk to other ski resort owners and managers in the midwest.......some are a little better off than we are......but others have had a tougher time than we have.........a couple not open yet, some partially open.......very few completely open......not that misery loves company but it is reassuring that we are doing EVERYTHING possible to give our patrons the very best conditions we can give them........and that the only real problem is the temps we are getting....... with all that said........we are still open.......we still have snow.......and we are ready for New Years Eve on Saturday.......
......hours today, Friday, are 10 am to 9 pm.........Saturday hours are 10 am to 11 pm........Sunday hours are 11 am to 8 pm.........Monday hours are 10 am to 6 pm.........Tuesday we are closed and then start the regular season days open and hours........
.....I am going to go grab some french to you again soon.......
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Snow Update
Temps did drop enough at 6 pm last night that we were able to have seven snow guns running til about 8 am this morning.........not a lot of volume but snow none the less. In the areas we chose to set the guns we covered a pretty sizable area with about six inches of fresh snow. Our strategy was to get some more snow on trails that are already open to ensure we didn't have issues the next four days when we are forecasted to see temps in the mid forties.
With all that said, in spite of a goofy December we have been open every day that we were scheduled to be open and have offered really good conditions..........and most important...........a lot of you have came to Seven Oaks to ski and snowboard...........some for their first time ever............and even though I am not a big fan of these sure has made very comfortable conditions for everyone........
We will be open from 10 am to 6 pm today, Wednesday and again on Thursday. Friday's hours are from 10 am to 9 pm...........
Snow tubing is NOT off our radar........we will get snow there asap............maybe next week...........but like you, we will have to wait and see..........
Looking forward to our Second Family Friendly New Years Eve Party Saturday night.......hope you can be here...
Be safe........
Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas Break is HERE!

Friday, December 23, 2011
More trails open
It's coming together..........
A little help from the sky would help!
Merry Christmas
Thursday, December 22, 2011
What a difference 2 degrees can make
Open at 4 pm today. Had the Ogden Middle School here today and had a good group here last nite too.
Gotta run to Minnesota to get some snow cat parts...........
see you tonite............oh yeah, we open friday (tomorrow) from 10 am to 9 pm.........what a good way to start Christmas break........
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Elwood's and Christmas is close!
......And Christmas is only four days away. If you are looking for that last minute gift or a stocking stuffer you might want a Seven Oaks gift certificate or one of our Seven Oaks hoodies, long sleeve T's or a beanie..........
.......We open at 4 pm Wednesday night..........
Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 18, 2011
I can't believe it.....
Derek told me that we needed more snow. I replied that we would partner up.........he was responsible for getting the cold temps and I would be responsible for making the snow........wish it was that easy.
Small but still nice crowds yesterday and again today. Steve.........head snow makin coming to the office in a while to strategize with Joel on where to set the guns for the first night of snowmaking. Still looks like Monday night.........that's tomorrow.......we should be able to make snow flakes by the thousands........
Went to the Community Methodist Church Christmas Cantada in Ogden this morning before we opened. They did a really nice job. One grand daughter was in the youth choir at the end and she/they did a great job too. Sure can put you in the Christmas spirit........
....We open Wednesday and Thursday of the coming week at 4 pm for ski and snowboard......see you then........
Until then........
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Finally the forecast looks decent for making snow after this weekend..........which is going to be pretty warm...........won't hurt the snow one bit.........will make for great sking and riding today and again tomorrow. Would appear the first we could get snowmaking turned on again is Monday night.........but EVERY night next week looks like it will be cold enough.
I think two good nights of snowmaking will let us open Elwoods, Willet's Way and Central Park from top to bottom..........and let us get the lower half of the Drop Zone open.........which is where we will relocate all the features........
If all goes well, that is the plan.........Push all the snow made Monday night and Tuesday night on Wednesday morning...........and be ready to open next week on Wednesday at 4 pm.
We'll keep you posted............Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Rain has moved out east to make our neighbors mad now
........all the trails have been groomed twice this morning. Snow guns are all set and ready to fire tonight as soon as the temps drop low enough. Not sure it will get cold enough to go 100% wide open but just to get on again will be GOOD........
.......then we plan to push out the snow on the bottom half of the Drop Zone, Elwoods Hideout and Central Park......and set some more features...........even though the upper half of each trail may not have enough snow to get open.........but you can bet we are trying........... least there is no more hurtful days in the immediate forecast..........
......such is life...........such is Iowa........
see you on the slopes tomorrow night...........
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Neither you nor I.........
.......looks like we are not going to avoid the rain but as of now it does look like it will be heavier rainfall south of us........good........ much as anything, these warm temps are keeping us from making more snow............we are so close to getting the lower half of Drop Zone open and so close to getting Elwoods Hideout and Central Park open too..........
.........what I see is snow making should be possible Thursday night and Friday night............ hang in there with us and we will all wait and see what exactly happens..........and know that we are poised to get the guns on just as soon as we can............
...see you on the slopes........
Saturday, December 10, 2011
It's Saturday Morning - Day 2
We continued to make snow last night and after we closed, in addition to grooming everything, we got Freeway OPEN.......and at noon today we will have both chairlifts running.
One more good night of snow making and we will have Elwoods open and maybe Central Park too. We also got a great start on making snow in the lower half of the Drop Zone.......which will allow us to put more features out.......and get some jumps built.
Once that is all done we will hit the snow tubing park.....
Ken set the pipe last night on the bend of Abbys Alley and it is getting used a bunch......also have three rails out on the lower end of Carters Crossing.
It is a beautiful day for riding and skiing........hope you can make it out.
Friday, December 9, 2011
We are open!!! Here we go 2011-2012 !
See you soon.........
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Keepin on keepin on
Are you coming to ride this Friday night or Saturday??
Monday, December 5, 2011
It's paying off....... does appear however that I will delay my first day in the snow cat from what I originally thought would be tomorrow.........Tuesday........til Wednesday morning.............
.......gonna let the guns pound on school yard, carters crossing and abbys all night tonight so we are deep on those three runs............then move to the freeway.............
.......I don't know if we can have the Freeway open Friday night or not.............but there is a shot.........and we are going for it............ who is going to make it out Friday night?????? leave me your comments.............
........this Saturday and Sunday look like highs in the thirties.........but snowmaking temps at night..............let's go.........
Sunday, December 4, 2011
tic toc tic toc...........getting close to opening day
.............. Really getting pumped about spending some hours in the snow cat on Tuesday, getting the snow leveled out on the SchoolYard and Abbys Alley........I love the is truly one of my most favorite things to do.
The heavy snow yesterday was to our northwest............the heavy rain was to our we are OKAY with it all.............lost a little of our snow but not a show stopper at all!
see you on the slopes in a short five more days!!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Friday morning update

.......then the plan is to move the guns to the Freeway........
......Friday after Five tonite.......with live music, food, cold beverages, good conversation........and the annual sacrifice of skis and snowboard to the snow god.....Ulr......and geez.......based on the forecast it looks like Ulr knows we are going to be doing it based on what is predicted for Saturday weather.......!!
......most of the new Seven Oaks clothing delivered yesterday so Austin will be on hand from 5 to 7 tonight in the sales office if you want to browse through them........
.......did you see the piece on the 10 pm KCCI news last night??........they called at about 4 pm and said they were on their way up to do an interview and shoot some footage in a half hour......and they were here in a half hour..........good update on our snow conditions for everyone........thanks KCCI........Patrick and Spencer for doing that........
we'll be posting to you again soon.........
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sunday nite and Tonite
Tonite we got the guns on about 6:30 and hope the temps and especially the humidity drop as they are keeping us at about the lowest volume you can run right now and still be making snow. This isn't unusual for the end of November....marginal temps that rise and drop often accompanied by wide humidity swings as well. The guys just babysit the equipment all night long and adjust everything in response to changing temps, humidity and wind.......both speed and wind direction.
......tis the season.........
.....but the outlook appears to be in our favor with temps gradually dropping..
stay tuned..........and I will try to get some pics for the next post.........
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Looks for sure.........
......Some more of the fence is being put up today, which is generally one of the last things to do before we open.
......I will try to keep everyone updated here on a regular basis from now til we open so you can make your plans accordingly. As ususal, we will focus on the School yard and Abby's Alley and open more trails from there as the snowmaking progresses.
Checked yesterday on the status of the Seven Oaks clothing and it should be on-site Thursday. More on this too as we get closer.
Tuesday night will be on-the-hill training for our new employees and a refresher for those that are returning. What a GREAT group we have on board again this year. Our team is awesome!!
Ready or not, here we go............and we are ready!!
.......See you on the slopes soon........
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Oh Man!
......are you ready???? Have you tuned the skis, found your winter equipment, got your season pass??? There is still time but if you want to be among the first on the fresh snow, the clock is running.
The complete line of Seven Oaks clothing will be on site late this week. Austin did a good job with some new colors, new sure to check it out. Might be the Christmas gift you were looking for.
Sorry this is short but gotta get back to the ISU vs OU game now....... Go clones!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
It Is Started
We turned on the guns at about 10 pm and ran til temps rose this morning at about 5:30 am. We know the immediate forecast is for temps that will not allow more snow to be made but we wanted to test the system. All the guns that were 100% tuned by Kris and the new/rebuilt snow making pump got tested.

We'll keep you posted on our progress of making MORE snow!! We need more cold nights......
Friday, November 11, 2011
It's getting closer
And we are 99% ready to get into full swing for the ski, snow board and snowtube season.
Newly rebuilt pump that supplys our snowmaking water is installed and ready. The water lines have been flushed. All the snowguns have been completely gone thru with new nozzles installed. The snowmaking pond is filling. Both chairlifts are serviced. We are ordering new Seven Oaks winter clothing on Tuesday. Yep we are getting closer by the hour.
Last night was the night we interviewed all the applicants that had an interest in working at Seven Oaks this winter. What a great bunch of gals and guys. I estimate there were about 110 or 120 folks present for the presentation and interview process. We had a lot of local people and a lot of DMACC and ISU students as well........and a lot of them had experience working or instructing at other ski areas in the midwest during their high school years. Very cool.
And had a lot of our employees from last season on site as well. That's great!
I will try to now be much more regular with posts throughout the winter season......promise.
I got a feelin this winter is going to be a good one!!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Playing in the dirt........Again
It only took two days......
we'll have over a million gallons of additional water.........
and here is the trench that will hold the pipe used to drain the pond when we are ready for more snowmaking water........
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Slip Sliding Away
Then with the State Fair done on Sunday night, and tearing down the booth on Monday...........we headed to Iowa State University on Wednesday to set up the booth in the Memorial Union so we could take part in the ISU Welcomefest.
All during this time the river couldn't be more perfect and the temps couldn't be more perfect for floating than it has been the entire month of August and still is today............and we have been busy with campers, bikers and a lot of paintball groups as well. And as you would expect, we have had a whole host of folks using the lodge for weddings and wedding receptions and class reunions and business meetings.
Save the date......Sunday, October our Annual Season Pass Sale and Swap.......
One last thought, it is great to have our friends home from their respective tours of duty overseas.........welcome home Dave and Mike and Jason.......and THANK YOU for serving!
Monday, August 1, 2011
A Quick Update
....had another class reunion in the lodge last Saturday night and another one this coming Saturday night.......but before we get to next Saturday, we have a meeting in the lodge all day tomorrow and three churches from the town of Ogden are holding their ecumenical vacation bible school here all day Wednesday.......for the second year in a row.......
......last Monday we hosted a big company outing in the lodge all day with meals, refreshments and guest speakers......
.....paintball has been very busy even with the temps being what they have been.......and about five more groups have made reservations over the next ten days or so.......
.....have a cross country mountain bike race here Sunday, August 7.......
......several of us also leave Sunday night August 7 for the annual Midwest Ski Area Association Summer Meeting and Trade Show.......this year at Devils Head........near Madison Wisconsin......always a good time to visit and trade stories with others in the ski area business......and to learn what is new in the industry.........but don't worry.......we will have plenty of staff on site to take care of your river floats and paintball games while we are away.........
......get home just in time to open our booth at the Iowa State Fair on Thursday August 11.......stop and see us there too........we are in the same spot as we have been for the past ten years......on the north wall (west half) of the Varied Industries Building........we'll have some sign ups for chances to win some give aways...........
......a reminder to all that this Friday night is our August Friday after Five .........with Big G's Log Cabin BBQ providing the by Billy Club from 7 pm to 10 cover charge......and the vintage tractor show on the lawn........with no admission come on over and enjoy the evening with us........
.....Nick Dell, one of our avid snowboard instructors and all around good guy got his bus license so he can drive one of the shuttle buses for river floats...........but darned if he didn't blow the engine of one of the buses on his first weekend.......hah..........wasn't his fault but I can't resist putting the blame on him!!!!
......still plenty of time to get in some camping, paintball or river float this summer, even though a lot of schools start withing about two weeks or so......and the weather is sure cooperating now........
.......come see us soon
Monday, July 18, 2011
8 PM with Heat Index of 111 degrees
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Hot weather
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Finnnnnalllly it's SUMMER!
I feel horrible for all the folks along the Missouri River........I go to Nebraska City to see family pretty regularly so I know the area along highway 2. Saw pics on facebook taken at that area and it's major flooding......ugly........we certainly had a belly full of the similar mess in 2008 and 2010 so we can appreciate what they feel on the west side of the state.......
Speaking of facebook.........make sure you check out the Seven Oaks giveaway that was posted yesterday..........who knows......YOU might be the winner........and it is pretty cool to read the comments others have posted and are posting.......
The Independence Day Holiday weekend was busy........all the routine fun on the river was in full force and the campground was busy too. Had a wedding anniversary in the lodge Monday the 4th and it sounds like it went well for them......
Had a paintball group on the books for today, had an online reservation for a group that wants to paintball this morning when we came in and I even answered the phone moments ago........which I never do.......and took another reservation for this evening...........must be paintball day.......
Working today on everything that needs done for the State Fair, which will be here before we know it........speaking of which.......I can not believe the number of schools that resume classes in mid August.........right in the middle of the fair...........and family vacations..........I don't get it!
All the ski trails and tubing hill got their first haircut of the season last friday night........sure looks different when everything gets mowed and it looks good too. Most of it got done friday night during our Friday After Five............had a good crowd here.......and Big G's BBQ did the meal ...........with a lot of compliments.........and had a good turnout of classic and vintage cars for the fourth annual car show .....thanks to our friends John and Sharon Tuttle for doing the organizing for the show...........
okay.........I better get to working more on the state fair stuff..........have a good one and be safe......remember the GOAL.........Get Outdoors And Live!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Mid June Busy Time
In the meantime we have finished the new barricades (posts and ropes) in the campground to keep vehicles from driving into the camp sites.......had to do it in our minds for safety........don't need some youngster having an accident with a vehicle........I am sure you agree. Our new camp host Josh is doing a good job too.
We have also been discussing what differentiates us from other things people can do with their discretionary time and money .......and came up with this short you agree?
- We provide outdoor recreation
- Guests are participants and not just spectators
- Many of our activities are unique to Iowa
- Our activities are a means to socializing
- Our activities are mentally and physically healthy
- Our activities are for a diverse age group
- Our activities are beginner friendly
- Many of our activities are a sport for life
- We serve individuals, small groups and large groups
- We are family owned and family operated
And I could have added but didn't cause so many do say this but often fall short........Seven Oaks is a very friendly team that will do everything possible to give our clients a memorable and favorable experience........and I really think we do just that as is expressed time after time from our clients that send us a written comment, an email or stop on their way out to praise one or more of our team members that in their opinion went above and beyond the call of duty.........and of course we like that! as we are rapidly approaching July and August......our BUSIEST months for river floats, don't hesitate to make your reservation as soon as you know a date and how many watercraft you need so you won't hear us say "sorry we are sold out that day"..........seriously it does happen especially on Saturdays........
......see you soon......
Thursday, June 9, 2011
It was HOT
I am writing todays blog from Oskaloosa where it has been raining since 3 am this morning. Heard a couple of good rumbles about then so I got up to check the radar and saw it was headed our way down here. Looks like just a little tip of a cell caught Seven Oaks and that was confirmed in this morning's conversation that the rain was almost enough to get the concrete wet.
Speaking of HOT, I think Monday was the warmest it has been this year and warmer than any day we had last we utilized the day to set about 30 posts in the tent campground to define parking from camping. It was sooooo didn't have to do much to break into a good sweat.........and when you did physical labor like we were doing it sapped the energy quickly.......but we did hydrate water does quench the thirst.......
Tuesday we had a lot of canoes on the water when it was about as hot as Monday.........the paintball group that was scheduled to play cancelled and I couldn't blame them........I have to believe with the clothing most wear during paintball games would have made it pretty unbearable...........being on the river sounds a lot more they rescheduled for a different day........
Had another company book the lodge for their meeting in July complete with two meals and break out continues to be a busy place..........if I remember correctly Friday night of this week is a wedding rehersal dinner in the lodge then on Saturday a different group is using the facilities for their wedding reception.......
I think it's going to be a great summer to do some full service floats with us. Get your family or friends together and book your date sooner than later so you don't hear us tell you that we are sold out.........okay........and remember it's always more fun with family and friends........
See you soon........
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Let the Summer Begin!
Of course last summer really didn't happen with the non stop rains and persistent flooding. What a mess. Glad it is nothing but a distant memory now.
Have our annual Jimmy Buffett night for the theme for the June Friday after Five.......Coal Creek Lounge opens at 5 pm and you can order food beginning at 5:30...........Have Tim from Indianola coming to DJ the event.........he has a big business doing special events with as many as four or five of his units doing gigs on the same'll have to come check him out......I am pretty confident he knows what tunes to play for the Seven Oaks gang.......that's this Friday night June 3........
Hope you all had a safe Memorial Weekend..........first honoring our veterans and second having some fun with family and friends. The weather got better each day with Monday temps right where we want them for the kick off to the summer.......we gathered for a grand daughters NINTH Birthday........great time with family.......few games.........enough food for everyone, plus a few more.......very relaxing......
Did you know Brandie has joined the Seven Oaks team?? She started a couple weeks ago handling a lot of the inside sales and is training for the Seven Oaks Event Coordinator position as well.......She will do a great job........Carol has decided to leave her happy family here to pursue a new career with her own business and Dee has needed time to care for her family for some months......but I think you will see Dee some this summer on weekends when it is really hopping and this winter as well..........and Austin who worked in sales this past winter will be helping in sales this summer too........great team as usual......
Red is out mowing the lawn for the fiftieth time this year already....well maybe not that many times, the grass is really growing but it looks so good........
Had a really neat wedding reception here last Saturday night and another one this Saturday fact there are like seven more here in June.....a lot of Friday nights and then a different group on Saturday night...........
Here is a shot of the lawn in front of the lodge just before all the guests arrived.......

As usual, the lodge was transformed into another look which was again really is a pic of the inside ........

.....had the opportunity to visit Jester Park down by Saylorville Lake for my first time two weekends ago for a birthday picnic.........for my wife........and I was pretty darned impressed with the park. Nice picnic areas, shelter houses and our shelter house had a nice view of the lake too.
I think our summer commercials start airing on Channel 8 and Channel 13 next week.......right in line with HOT weather.......which is RIVER weather........whether you CANOE or KAYAK or RIVER TUBE...........Let the Summer begin!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Seven Oaks Patroller Ben Upah Recognized
Congratulations Ben and thanks for doing what you do!!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
From one season to the next
......people are making reservations for their river floats soon to insure you get the dates you want.........
.....see you at Seven Oaks.....
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Have you seen Seven Oaks?
Monday, March 7, 2011
Is this season finished?
....we have a lot of base and a good snowfall on top would be relatively easy to have ready for friday night.....and we have not put anything away we are watching........and waiting.........just like you........ you think we should reopen if we get a big snow????
....had another fun Spring Splash last friday night......had several in costumes, DJ on the patio, Tater playing in the lodge......and ......I would guess about 30 to 40 people tried the pond skim.......that is always fun to watch........and I would guess consistent with years past that about 40% were successful in their attempt to skim the entire length.........with another 40% almost making it.......getting just a little wet at the end.........and then there is the last 20% that took a complete dive..........
.......I think the complete dive is what most of the many spectators were waiting for.........a little bit like a car wreck during a race isn't it........
......but the whole thing was fun to watch.......
....wife's nephew from Nebraska with his family and about 25 other friends came friday night and spent the day Saturday ........a bunch of their kids were learning to ski for their first time.....and had success I might add.........I guess one family was not from Nebraska but from Minnesota.....but they still fit in just fine.........good and fun group.......oh, and the oldest son of our nephew tried the pond skim.........he has only skied about three years.......once per year......and the last time was last year...........yep..........he took a dive..........but he felt good about trying it....
......received notice that Seven Oaks will be featured in the spring/summer Des Moines Convention Bureau things to do publication........that's cool........
.....A BIG THANK YOU to all of YOU that came to Seven Oaks this winter to ski, snowboard and snow tube..........and to all our team members that received so many compliments from so many of you..........and to our ski patrol that spent hours on the trails assisting those in was a fun and it was a great season..........again......
......we'll start getting ready soon for the spring and summer activities.........we are talking about ordering the paintballs and making repairs to the paintball fields.........moving picnic tables back to the tent campgrounds..........getting the buses serviced and inspected for the river floats.......get all the river tubes inflated and ready to go .........and so on........ let's watch the weather this week and see what talking to you soon.......
Monday, February 28, 2011
School Day or Snow Day

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Pics from two weeks ago
had a good Late Nite ski last night.......and yesterday was a good day too........several groups here today and tonight..........Spring Spash with Pond Skim is next Friday night........see you there........snow is holding up surprisingly well considering all we went thru weatherwise the past two weeks........not as good as we had most of the season but still skiable......
Saturday, February 26, 2011
We helped the flurries
......conditions were good yesterday and will be even better today........should be a great day to be on the slopes........
......I thought to myself as the final passes in the snowcat were being made moments ago what a HUGE contrast from last Sunday with the warm temps and rain and transistion to how awesome the trails are today after making snow, pushing out reserves, getting some snow from the sky and grooming the livin daylights out of all the snow.........
......I would say snow tubing is down for the count for the rest of the season barring about a 12 inch snowfall from the sky........which probably isn't going to happen based on the forecast.......but then again the high school basketball tournaments are coming up and several years ago you could count on a major blizzard during those events........
.....based on everybody's forecast that we spent a LOT of time reviewing yesterday, the decision was made to move the Spring Splash ......complete with Pond next Friday night.......high temps for the day was forecast to be in the 40's.........wait.......there's everybody is calling for temps to be in the upper 20's next friday........go figure.......
....but Pond Skim we will next Friday night..........should be fun........
.....our ONLY Seven Oaks Late Nite is tonite from 9:30 pm to 1:00 am.........are you going to be here?
....see you on the slopes......
Friday, February 25, 2011
Libby loves Seven Oaks

.......her eight year old brother Cole didn't catch on Friday night and was NOT happy about fact he gave up..........but Saturday he decided to give it another try.....with his I hooked him up with instructor Bob E. and lo and behold Cole was skiing and didn't want to stop when we were closing. Skiing Abbys Alley and Carters Crossing time after time.......always with a smile on his face. It was a wonderful heartwarming experience........for me anyway..........and Cole is now a huge fan of Bob's too......
....... a big Thanks to Bob for his willingness and patience to help this little man learn a sport for life........
....ready to open for a school at 9 this morning.......then reopen at 4 pm as normal........trails ended up pretty darned good last night after grooming a big part of yesterday.........three of the staff rode all the trails while we were grooming and gave us a thumbs up...........
.....talking snow this evening til midnight........that will be a good thing.........we will groom after we close tonight.......
see you this weekend.......the countdown has began..........
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
A couple pics

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Made Snow
....we'll make snow this week whenever the temps allow...........also see there is some snow in the forecast for Thursday.........
.....we'll remain closed today, Wednesday and Thursday............
......have a school on site Friday morning and we will be open Friday at 4 pm til normal 9 pm close..........
.......I will try to get some pics posted............the only thing closed is Tubing and the top of Drop Zone...........
.....and it looks like it will stay pretty cold for a while..........except for tomorrow..........
......looks better than it did a week ago!
...happy birthday grand you.......
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Let's look forward to next weekend
.....the temps are supposed to get closer to normal and we will make snow every hour this week that the temps permit........and we can all hope we get some snow as predicted........
......the intent is to open friday night at 4 Saturday......have the Late Nite Saturday night.....and be open end the month of February..........
......keep checking, voice messages, home page of our web for continued progress and status updates.......
.....thanks and I will close with telling you I am considering another sacrafice to the Snow God so we can ski into March!
Mother Nature can't read!
......Seven Oaks will have to remain closed today, SUNDAY, February 20............but..........
.......we will get on the snow and groom tonight when the temps fall...........push out some more of our reserve snow piles to cover the thin spots..........rebuild the load and unload ramps at the chair lifts.........with the intent of being open Monday February 21 for Presidents Day.........10 am to 6 pm..........
......and the forecasted temps would look like we will be making snow starting Monday night........and hopefully the next three or four nights.........
......see you soon.......
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Forecast Change
We did decide to remain closed today as we know the snow will survive the 60 or 70 degree temps better if it is not being skied..........and once again I am glad we have all north face slopes.............

Happy Birthday..........and we will hope to see you on the slopes tomorrow.......
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Got Snow?? We Do !!
We are confident that the temps will NOT cause us to close this weekend. We are open tonight (Wednesday).......CLOSED tomorrow night - THURSDAY FEB. 17 - THE REALLY WARM DAY.........then open Friday and Friday night with the Rail Jam and another school here Friday night........and a lot of groups coming Saturday. Here is a pic taken at 3:45 pm ten minutes ago.......

...........with all that said......we will not lose our snow before this weekend........temps are going to be cooler on Friday and into the we feel as though we will ski through the weekend.........
.......crazy isn't it is February 16 and we are having this discussion......
.......thanks for his pic Darci.......very cool.......
.....thanks for this pic Elizabeth.....and thanks for coming to Seven Oaks........

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Slow melt