Sunday, December 18, 2011

I can't believe it.....

"I can't believe it" was the comment I heard a LOT yesterday and today from people who came to play when they saw the amount of snow on the trails. Yep, it is kinda hard to believe after the tropical weather pattern but we do have a bunch out there.

Derek told me that we needed more snow. I replied that we would partner up.........he was responsible for getting the cold temps and I would be responsible for making the snow........wish it was that easy.

Small but still nice crowds yesterday and again today. Steve.........head snow makin coming to the office in a while to strategize with Joel on where to set the guns for the first night of snowmaking. Still looks like Monday night.........that's tomorrow.......we should be able to make snow flakes by the thousands........

Went to the Community Methodist Church Christmas Cantada in Ogden this morning before we opened. They did a really nice job. One grand daughter was in the youth choir at the end and she/they did a great job too. Sure can put you in the Christmas spirit........

....We open Wednesday and Thursday of the coming week at 4 pm for ski and snowboard......see you then........

Until then........

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