First......sorry I didn't blog yesterday......we were running hard.......but on to today...... is a quick pic of James and Carrie who drove up from Kansas City this morning to ride at Seven Oaks......and they were kind enough to stop long enough that I could get a quick pic.......thanks..........and yep, as you can see......we have snow.......

......had a very well attended and cool Rail Jam last night.......I think it ended up having 48 contestants in the Rail Yard.........Ken and Nick did a great job getting the approaches to all the features tuned up yesterday morning and installed a couple new features for the event......
......rain rain go away........come again some other April 12th or May 9th........or we like you are watching the weather for tonight.......time will tell if we get any rain versus sleet.......I would take the sleet.........if I had a choice......
......THE PLAN.........well here is the plan if it is possible to put a plan together with these swings in weather we have had for about 8 or 9 days..........looks like it will be cold enough at Seven Oaks to make snow Monday night, Tuesday night and Wednesday night........and we will do just that if the forecast is correct........and everyone is watching the forecast as next Friday gets closer by the hour as most are calling for SNOW covering the state.......hope so........would be nice for our scheduled Late Nite next Saturday night....February 26......
......the high temps on Wednesday and Thursday of last week did melt enough that we were not comfortable trying to open tubing for this weekend.......but we will try to get it operational for NEXT weekend.......I will keep you posted........
.....regardless of what the final weather turns out to be.......get your trip to Seven Oaks soon as we normally don't stay open much past the first weekend of March........
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