Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mother Nature can't read!

.........cause if Mother Nature could read, she would have seen my blog entry of rain rain go away.....come again some other day.........but rain is what we got this morning in the wee hours......even had some thunder at 4 am this

......Seven Oaks will have to remain closed today, SUNDAY, February 20............but..........

.......we will get on the snow and groom tonight when the temps fall...........push out some more of our reserve snow piles to cover the thin spots..........rebuild the load and unload ramps at the chair lifts.........with the intent of being open Monday February 21 for Presidents Day.........10 am to 6 pm..........

......and the forecasted temps would look like we will be making snow starting Monday night........and hopefully the next three or four nights.........

......see you soon.......

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