Sunday, February 20, 2011

Let's look forward to next weekend

Well it certainly has been a crazy ride this week with the weather and the fight to maintain conditions for all of you that came to Seven Oaks.......but we were successful thru Saturday.......but then Sunday we did have to close and we have also decided to stay closed Monday......Presidents Day........darn it........

.....the temps are supposed to get closer to normal and we will make snow every hour this week that the temps permit........and we can all hope we get some snow as predicted........

......the intent is to open friday night at 4 Saturday......have the Late Nite Saturday night.....and be open end the month of February..........

......keep checking, voice messages, home page of our web for continued progress and status updates.......

.....thanks and I will close with telling you I am considering another sacrafice to the Snow God so we can ski into March!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How bad is it out there? Can you put up a picture? Curious to see what the slopes look like after last week....