Friday, February 27, 2009

Urgent Countdown

Today is friday, February 27 and for those of you who just can't get enough time on the snow and to those of you who have not been on the Seven Oaks snow.......the countdown for this season is in process. Typically we make it thru the first and sometimes second weekend of March.........and it appears making it thru the first weekend of March is pretty much a sure the way it's our Spring Splash Sunday March 8........and we may well make it to the second weekend of March......but who from here on out we are only open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Are we going to get one of those March blizzards that used to dump on us during the week of Iowa State Girls Basketball tournament?? It's been a while since we have and with the weather patterns we have been might just happen.

Our snow conditions are still good and we plan to make snow again it doesn't look like we're supposed to get much of the snowfall Saturday February 28 should be awesome conditions......

Red, White, and Blue weekend is tomorrow and Sunday, in honor of our troops and their families.......see our web for details.

Here are a few more recent pics......

This could be you......

There is still time......

Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday........

The lessons are FREE.........

enjoy winter.......

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