Every day there are more beginners........yep, and everyone takes their turn riding the "rope"...many will say it is more difficult than skiing.......but then again everybody gets it down. This is a random shot taken recently when there were lots of new skiers and riders trying the sport for the first time.......

Keep your skis headed in the same direction as the rope......bend your knees slightly.....keep your skis about shoulder width apart.......then slowly......slowly increase the grip on the rope until you are moving at the same speed as the rope........and yippee.........you did it !

Ski instructor Barry giving a helping hand going up as well as going down..........

.....and Alex helping get the snowplow down........no they aren't dancing........they are skiing......

reminder to all.......wear your colors this weekend in support of the troops and their families.....it is red, white and blue weekend.........great discounts for the troops and families......check our web for details.........
Lots of fresh snow made on tubing Sunday night and it was all groomed last night......ready for the large school group on Wednesday...
Enjoy winter.......
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