A couple announcements a couple reminders and a couple pics of some couples -

*February 28th and March 1st is Armed Forces Day- Help Seven Oaks salute our military men and women by wearing red, white and blue. We will be adding more info on our web site about special prices for those of you that are in the armed forces or in a family with a person in the armed forces.

*March 7th- Show your valid season pass from another ski area and get a
FREE lift ticket.

*March 8th- Spring Splash complete with grilled food on the patio, drink specials, DJ and the popular Third Annual Seven Oaks Pond Skim............ Here's a link to the 2008 pond skim-
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BSKhOmqgAg .........and while you are on you tube you can also check out the 2007 skim.
*The next two Friday nights from 6- 9 pm we will have live music in the lodge/lounge.
enjoy winter........
assuming weather works out - you will be open?
We will be open Friday, Saturday and Sunday.......normal hours...thanks and keep your eye on the sky as more snow is predicted after the rain......
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