We see them on the slopes, in the little white building with the red cross and sometimes we see them in action......I'm referring to the members of the NSPS......National Ski Patrol System. You and we hope you never have to use their services ......but these volunteers are on site to come to anyone's assistance if the need arises. They spend hours and hours studying and practicing hands on techniques ......just to qualify. Then each year they spend more time in refreshers - medical, tobogan, lift evacuation, etc.

Again, hope you never meet them under the wrong circumstances....but it would be great when you are on the slopes to give them a thank you........they will appreciate it.

These photos were taken during the chair lift evac refresher a couple weeks ago. We are blessed with about 20 patrollers from all over Iowa and a few from the Kansas City area chosing Seven Oaks as their resort to patrol the slopes.

thanks to each of you......
Jerry M., John, Ben, Mindy, Aaron, Stephanie, Kevin, Dean, Tony, Roger, Fred, Cee,Brian, Steve, Mike, Crista, Don, Mary Jo, Polly, Terry, Jerry S. - and everyone else I forgot --- sorry :(
Enjoy Winter........Winter Feels Good! :)
Enjoy Winter........Winter Feels Good! :)
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Thanks guys!
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