It has been a while since I posted so I thought I had better get one done. Normally I don't post during the summer months as much as I do in the winter but we'll see how it goes this year. First a couple of pictures taken last weekend......kinda sad huh?....

.......but some of you are probably a little surprised as to how much snow remains on the trails.......even with the warmer temps and a couple of showers........

even some remnants of the pond skim still showing.......was that a hoot or what......the video is on our Seven Oaks facebook page..........

.....from our perspective it was a great winter season. Mother Nature did us spite of closing five days on three different occasions due to inclement weather.........the frequent snow from the sky was very cool.......and it made grooming a lot of extra fun as well......I kinda think most of the great snowfall was due to our sacrifice of skis and boards that were made to the Snow God in early December at our Friday after Five.........well........maybe not......but we are going to do it again in December........or maybe even November 2010....... speaking of Friday after Five......our April event is coming right up........Friday, April 2nd.......Grand Times Catering and live music.......
Have another ISU house party this weekend.......and the first wedding reception is coming up in the lodge in another three weeks......
Getting the winter stuff put away and getting all the summer stuff out and readied for a great summer of fun.........
......and one more thing before I sign off........
The Old Man has decided to spend MORE time at Seven Oaks and has subsequently decided to leave my job of forty one years........yep that's 41 years.........effective May 14........pretty darned exciting if you are ME........
see you at Seven Oaks......
Congrats on "retirement" Rick - we always enjoy havgin you at Seven Oaks!
Rick, congratulations on your retirment to 7 Oaks. This means we can spend more time together. I am looking forward to it. BTW I am going to come up and ski Elwoods hideout, it looks like there is pleanty of snow left. Maybe Tony could start the lift for us. See you soon. The Driscolls
Congrats on "retirement" Rick
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