There is a good chance that tomorrow and Thursday will be the last time this season we are open on Wednesday and Thursday nights........not for sure.........but good can know for sure by checking our web site or calling our voicemail message at the lodge........
........but it looks like both nights should be great spring skiing and riding this week.........
......and it is getting close to the annual Spring for everyone.......even if you are not on the snow you can come watch, have a burger or brat to support the National Ski Patrol volunteers......listen to the band.......or have one of the drink specials that we will be offering........and the pond skim is a hoot........don't want to miss this one......
.....been working on all the spring, summer and fall recreation offerings.......making changes as necessary.........will have all that posted on our web soon too.........camping, paintball, river floats......biking........] really won't be long before we are in the full swing of all those fun outdoor activities ......and yep, the phone is ringing with reservations already for the river floats.......
....pretty well along with the themes for the spring, summer and fall Friday After Five events too......a couple of change ups from what we have done in the past.........check it out on the web.......
Got one or two more schools coming to play on the snow yet this winter.......and this weekend should again be great......but the countdown is definitely in process......if you haven't been here yet.......or if you haven't had your fill of riding........get er done......there is still time......
I have heard what Ken has planned for the events during the Spring Splash.........first time for those and they should be crazy entry fee.......just have your lift ticket to participate.....
see you at Seven Oaks........