Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Patience.......me too.......

I guess I just have to be patient.....and so do all of you.........for the weather to turn cold enough that we can get started with the season's snow making. The forecasters just keep pushing the date out as to when we will finally see cold temps at night.......cold enough to make some SNOW. Now looks like just after Thanksgiving........but all of you should know that when it begins we will put a comment on the blog and a comment on facebook.........

I saw where KCCI reports having 10,000 fans on thier facebook account......well they got started before Seven Oaks did but come on everyone.........recommend Seven Oaks to your contacts.......let's see how close we can come to the KCCI number........we have a good start.......

Got some of the new shirts in........more stuff is ordered and should arrive in a week to ten days........Joel said the new shirts that came in first are very cool........I haven't seen them but will take his word for it.

Had the six hour training marathon last Sunday afternoon for all the winter employees. What a great group we have lined up for this winter........we and they can hardly wait.

gotta go........


Anonymous said...

Can't wait. Fun place to work. Anxious to see the new t-shirts.

Anonymous said...

I have not been able to locate this group on facebook. What name is it under?

Seven Oaks said...

facebook is seven oaks recreation