Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A couple of cool photos

As promised............
this one is my favorite........

........while not an everyday view from top........happens pretty often as the heat from the nearby river meets the air in the valley.......and our campers enjoy it.



Vince Driscoll said...

The hill looks great, i can't wait until next season.

How about that pond skim?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

makes me think of snow!

Seven Oaks said...

Vince, I know its on facebook

Seven Oaks said...

June, July, August, September, October Novem........make snow......

Vince Driscoll said...

who's profile is it on?

Seven Oaks said...

I'm checking which profile Vince......will post it on the blog once I have it.....way to go Vince!

Vince Driscoll said...


Vince Driscoll said...

hey, hate to keep asking but... how about that pond skim?