First the base terminal was layed out on the ground with pins so we knew exact locations and elevations.
Then the first four holes were dug, rebar positioned in place and concrete footings poured Tuesday.
Two more footing holes were dug on Saturday and poured.

Then the front support.........followed by the rear support.

The balance of Sunday was spent on securing the framework in a perfect level, plumb, perpendicular and aligned position. Variances in excess of 1/8" was too much!

It is on this frame that the drive motor, etc will reside upon. The gantry house will be hoisted in place later.
Then the forms are built around each leg and today more concrete is, a LOT more concrete is poured.... which secures the frame in far as I am concerned, forever.
It was a GREAT weekend, in spite of the wind....WOW....and the falling temps on Sunday. A lot of progress was made in six days. And while all this was going on with the lift, the NSPS had a two day refresher in the lodge, plus a group had a birthday party on Saturday, Paintball was in action Saturday and the furnace for the lodge addition was installed, more electrical work was completed and two truck loads of gravel were brought to the parking lot. Whew!
And look who Ken had come help out .........Cool !!!

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