The bridge connecting the parking lot to the lodge will be moved a few feet further north (closer to the parking lot) and a boardwalk will be constructed from the bridge to the new front door that faces the parking lot.
When you go in the front door you will be able to take a left to the men's and women's restroom (each with a shower) or take a right to get tickets purchased and purchase our retail items. You will exit thru the door that is on the west which will take you back to the parking lot, to snowtubing, rental shop or to the slopes.......or you can go straight from the ticket/retail room without going outdoors into the lodge for food, seating and Coal Creek Lounge .
All of the earth on the parking lot side of the lodge will be landscaped. I am always looking for big boulders for landscaping, so if you know of any farm that has some that they have pulled out of their fields, let me know.
Paint ball is still going, the weather is great for tent camping and looks like we are about a week away from resuming the full service river floats. Call today for your reservations. Group rates available.
Seven Oaks has a wedding reception in the lodge tonight, a wedding and reception in the lodge Saturday night and another wedding and reception next Saturday. Tis the season to say "I do"!!
There are still a couple of Saturdays not booked for reunions and receptions this summer so if you have a need for a large group gathering......check out our lodge!
More Later.......
ps. the next Friday after Five will be Friday, July 4!
It's sweet that you're building an addition! Can't wait til next winter. You should definitely post a schematic or new lay-out of the lodge (post-addition).
when does the new chair lift get installed?
Kyle, I don't know how to show the layout......not techy enough I think......but I will try. Anyway, we really want you to come check it out in person when it gets completed on the interior so you can see for yourself. We will probably give a kind of "open house" tour this fall.....maybe during our annual season pass sale and swap meet.
Cole, thanks for the question. We think the contractor will be on site yet this week to start the two weeks work of moving dirt at the top. We are getting ready to remove the chairs from the lift and have the cable inspected this week or next before the cable is removed and the lift is dis assembled, loaded and transported to Seven Oaks. With all the rain delays this spring and early summer, I would say we are two months off the original schedule but still okay for being done before the snow flies. when we get started on the dirt work, we will add some photos to the blog. Keep checking in.......
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