Not only do we have a lot of memories at the end of the ski season but we hope you do to. We want Seven Oaks to be the place where young people as they grow older reflect on all the great times they had and where parents and grandparents not only create memories for their children but have a lot of fond memories themselves. And then there are the memories when friends assemble......much like the email that we received and that I am including with photos in todays blog.
The past two days, I along with my brothers and sisters have spent the afternoons and evenings going thru our mothers house getting it ready to be sold....boy oh boy talk about memories during this process.......and in that process we came upon the box that had all the letters written by Montezuma children at the time of my fathers death, founder and owner of Fun Valley Ski Area. Each of them commented on their memories of Edwin at Fun Valley - how he would always be dressed in his bib overalls, how he would always joke with them, how he would always have time to talk to them.........oh yes.......sweet memories.
Here's hoping that again this season we at Seven Oaks will have started this season with a single snowflake and end with thousands of memories ........good clean memories......for you and ourselves.
Here is the email we received along with her pics.
"My bestfriend Samantha & I visited Seven Oaks during the time I was visiting my mom, dad & sister for Christmas.
We had a blast and the instructors and employees were great! Thank you for the memories!!
Chrissy from Arkansas
We had a blast and the instructors and employees were great! Thank you for the memories!!
Chrissy from Arkansas

Happy New Year to All
Be safe .....please be safe .......and .........keep it white......
ps. made lots of new snow again last night and plan on it again tonite!