Last week was to play in the dirt again......this time converting the "borrow pit" that was created to get enough dirt for the unload of the Valley View chairlift into another holding pond for snow making water. By my calculations, this pond will hold enough water when filled to give us another full 24 hours of snowmaking up to even 48 hours. That is cool. That could mean earlier open. That could mean more trails open for first day. Any way you slice it, we like it. ......
........Here are a couple pics of the project as it was in process ............
.....Digging down to the clay that gives a good base for the pond and is good material to construct the dam.

It only took two days......
we'll have over a million gallons of additional water.........

and here is the trench that will hold the pipe used to drain the pond when we are ready for more snowmaking water........