Sunday, January 31, 2010


Yesterday and today we finally had a lot of sunshine......more today than yesterday......the temps are warmer today too.......snow groomed up beautifully today........and the parking lot is filling up.......

Well let's see, what has happened since my last post........we had the Red Bull Shaun White movie premier on Thursday night......nice crowd for that.....and the weather was decent too.

Then Friday night we had our live music in the lodge and a good sized group on site to listen to everyone on the snow.......

Yesterday was actually quite busy......tubing was hopping all day and all night.........once again, a young lady stopped on herway home to tell us what a good time they had and how friendly the staff was.......and the instructors she thought did a really good job teaching her children......we like those comments......

Late Nite #3 last night was a good time. I write this watching the parking lot entrance, I would say there is a good chance we are going to be really busy is such a beautiful wind, GREAT snow...lots of sunshine....been a while since we had a day as sweet as today.......

Well, I had better get to work on this last day of January.........


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Check out this week's schedule....

Wednesday open 4 to 9 pm for skiing and snowboarding ( no tubing) $10 LIFT TICKETS!!!!

Thursday open 4 to 9 pm for skiing and snowboarding (no tubing) $10 LIFT TICKETS!!!! ---and get this.........Seven Oaks has been selected for the Project X movie premier featuring Shaun White brought to you by Red Bull-......showing on the big screen at the Lodge......... this is going to be awesome!! Complete details can be found on the front page of the web site......

Friday 4 pm to 9 pm for skiing and snowboarding and 6 pm to 9 pm for snow tubing. FAMILY 4 PACK NIGHT- big savings for families. Live acoustic music at Coal Creek Lounge 6 pm to 8:30 pm.

Saturday 10 am to 9 pm for skiing, snowboarding and snow tubing with our third Late Nite with Seven Oaks from 9:30 pm to 1 am- DJ music, Bonfire, FREE lessons and tons of FUN!

Monster Energy Drink will be drawing the first $50 gift certificate to the Colorado Grill sure you are in the drawing...........for every purchase of a Monster Energy Drink at Seven Oaks you get an entry form. The Colorado Grill is doing the same thing except you could win a $100 Seven Oaks gift certificate. We will be drawing one in Jan, Feb and March with a final drawing at our annual Spring Splash for two $250 gift certificates to Seven Oaks- must be present to win.

Sunday 11 am to 8 pm with our favorite promotion "Kids 8 and under ski FREE" with a paying adult (one for one). EVERY SUNDAY!

.........and yes we got snow Sunday night and fact we also made snow Sunday night, yesterday, last night and still making today...........getting white ..........

Sunday, January 24, 2010 groomed up decent

Must have hit the snow at just about the right time this morning cause it really groomed up decent. Got on it at 4:40 am and the temp was still 33 degrees. Fog had lifted. At about 6 ish the wind picked up out of the west northwest and the temperature dropped to 27. Kept grooming. Sun came up and the clouds parted to give us about two hours of sunshine......hadn't seen that for a while. Got everything groomed and here came the tubers, skiers and riders.
Have a niece here today to ski.......might be her first time skiing here but seem to remember she was here with her family a few years back.........were you T?
Thought I would share these pics that came in an email from Rebecca ......of her family gettting ski lessons..........she sent them to be entered in our photo contest ....
..Thanks Rebecca.......

Hope the kids had a great time.......

Next blog.........Red Bull is coming to Seven Oaks.........more later.....

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Open Sunday.......Rain is pretty well done

It's 11 am here and the rain has all but stopped. We got rain for about 45 minutes........pretty decent rain but not nearly as much as was we'll remain closed today Saturday.....but in a few hours we will start grooming and be READY TO OPEN AT 11 AM ON SUNDAY JANUARY 24.

The cell that went across us moved pretty quickly but it does still extend down into Texas .....but is moving north and east so the front is by us.......looks like our friends in Illinois and Minnesota are going to get the same we did........hope it's not too much for them.

So yep, to the one comment we got on yesterdays blog entry........we will be open Sunday.

see you there.......

Friday, January 22, 2010

It's Amazing

Well, the ice did come Wednesday and Thursday morning.....not as bad as south of here and west of here...........but enough.........and the good thing is........ when you spend about sixteen hours in the groomer again as was done Thursday afternoon and into Thursday night, one can do some amazing things to the two and more feet of snow that was encapsulated with ice like a cocoon waiting for the beautiful butterfly to emerge........except this was beautiful white snow that was in the cocoon.....ready to emerge.........and we are as a result open tonight.......with pretty decent conditions.........really, just plain amazing.

Tonight we have a nice attendance that includes a few groups here and also have live music in the lodge from a band that is into jazz..........nice.........and the Young Professionals from Boone are also here for a social event......with a meeting.......and I understand there is a "going away" party for someone in Coal Creek Lounge too.........don't know who is going or where but I would guess they do......

Now......what is the weather going to do tonight and tomorrow...?? Obviously time will tell.........but the tricky thing is when to get on it when the rain, that everyone is predicting, stops and temperatures change. We are NOT going to be open tomorrow which is Saturday.......darn it is surely going to rain all day.......but then ......what can we do to salvage all our snow for Sunday......check back......too early to tell whether we can or will open Sunday........but rest assured if we can give you snow that you want.......we will.........have to wait and see.........

thought I would toss out a couple pics I took last weekend standing on top of the Cyclone chairlift........Saturday was a pretty day......actually Saturday, Sunday and Monday made up a pretty weekend at Seven Oaks.........
and this one too........
.......and a quick pic that shows two of our staff making one of many rounds to keep things running smoothly behind the scenes for all the customers......thanks Ken and Frost

check back and see you soon.....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Closed Wednesday January 20

Too much ice in the forecast and it is already on everything this we will NOT open tonight.

Best thing of the whole deal is that we were cold when it started so we saw a thin cap of ice on our snow meaning it was not a melt out. We can groom thru this when it stops.

more later........

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Will the ICE happen??

Yeah, we are watching the forecast like a hawk.........before any of you take off for Seven Oaks tomorrow.......Wednesday or check our web to make sure we are open...........shoot, you may not even be able to get out of the driveway........but do call first.....don't want anyone making a trip in vain........

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Yesterday was 13 1/2 Hours of Snow Time

Wow .....yesterday was beautiful, warm......not hot.....warm.......and we opened at the normal Saturday 10 am and then had the second Late Nite for the season til 1:30 this morning. Snow was awesome and everyone I heard from thought the park was great.

Yesterday started sooooo cool with all the frost on the trees and everything else as in.......I mean everything else. Probably at your house too....but it was a real treat here in the valley.

Dusty Kain and Tanner Varner from the Iowa Barnstormers joined us last night for pictures, autographs and conversation with a lot of our customers.

Remember, not only are we open today from 11 am to 8 pm (kids 8 and under ski free - one kid for one paying adult).............but......... WE ARE OPEN MONDAY JANUARY 18 FOR THE MLK HOLIDAY FROM 10 AM TO 6 PM.

See you soon........

Friday, January 15, 2010

Four days of perfect weather at Seven Oaks

Tonight, Saturday, Saturday night, Late Nite, Sunday, Sunday night and Monday MLK day holiday look like the weather will be perfect. Warm day temps and cool night time temps will make it sweet skiing, snowboarding and snow tubing. I will try to get some pics of the park on a later post today........but can't promise it.

Remember some of the Barnstormers are coming to Seven Oaks Saturday night and staying for a while into the Late Nite event..........

We are close to being half way thru this winter season so come to Seven Oaks for some great outdoor fun.....are you telling your friends about us? Had four more schools book their outing this week..........

Buy a Monster at Seven Oaks and you are eligible for a drawing........ask at food service for the details.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Just Who Are the Idiots.......

Just who are the idiots that spam the blog........geez, what a bunch of losers.......okay, got that off my chest.

After 27 straight hours of snowmaking starting Sunday night, there was 16 straight hours in the groomer pushing and grooming......ending up with a lot.........yep a lot of fresh snow on virtually every run.

Terrain park was also rebuilt Tuesday.........anxious to hear some comments on that........

Had the company party with snow tubing last group had an absolutely pristine day for skiing today........and the $10 lift ticket tonight was a big success too.

Remember Thursday nights are also $10 lift tickets........unreal........

Come learn to ski or ride at Seven Oaks on Wednesday or Thursday night........$10 lift and free lessons.........come on out......

Late nite this Saturday starting at 9:30 pm.

Had a mention on Van and Bonnie.....WHO radio on Tuesday and then another one where they were talking about Seven Oaks this morning..........neat........a guy from Winterset was talking about wanting to teach their Brazilian foreign exchange student to Seven Oaks.

Weather is perfect for outdoor recreation........see you all soon......

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Storm brewing for Saturday on....

Well here we update on the past day and the next seven days......

Started making snow Sunday night, kept them on all day Monday, kept them on all last night, and the guns are still blowing. Putting fresh powder basically everywhere.

Tonight is a private party for a business with a few hours of snowtubing.

Wednesday is a school group during the day and then we are open Wednesday at 4....for ski and ride...and remember it is $10 lift ticket night.

Thursday open at 4 pm for ski and ride........and this year Thursday night is also $10 lift ticket night.

Friday open at 4 pm.....we offer the Family Four Pack on Friday acoustic music at Coal Creek Lounge from 6 to 8:30.........for everyone to enjoy on their breaks or our Friday after Five friends........

Saturday is always a full day and we have our second Late Nite from 9:30 to 1 am with DJ and bonfire .........PLUS......AND........ADDITIONALLY........we will have several Barnstormers here for an autograph signing from 8 pm to 10 cool is that...... like I said in the title......the storm is brewing for Saturday night at Seven Oaks.......

Sunday another normal busy day........a lot of folks like the Kids 8 and under ski free (one for one) on Sunday..... from 10 am to 6 pm for MLK Day.........

whew...........that's rockin.........

Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's Saturday and......

.......the sun is shining, there isn't enough wind to blow out a candle and the snow is groomed and perfect.

Got the new hoodies and beanies in this morning.........

Got new rental boards, bindings and boots plus ski poles ordered from Head yesterday to add to the fleet.......

Wow, look at the guy in Colorado wearing his Seven Oaks

......and his twin brother was in Breckenridge wearing his Seven Oaks shirt too........way cool.....

..... actually this is Todd and he is the guy that installed the Valley View Chairlift at Seven Oaks in the fall of 2008. Happy New Year Todd!

It's going to be a great weekend at Seven Oaks......

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Seven Oaks is closed Friday December 8

Yep, I am sorry to say that all you arctic ice fishermen that wanted to ski tomorrow night will have to wait til Saturday. We have decided to close Friday.......tomorrow night........December 8.

Negative 19 doesn't work well for the chairlifts, doesn't work well for the lift operators and probably doesn't work well for you either.

Open saturday at 10 am..........and oh baby did you see the next twelve days after that???? great temps .......hurray!

Seven Inches of Powder

Got the powder and the temps were decent Wednesday night. I just had to copy these two comments to the blog for everyone to for the nice words...........

"for everyone that didn't make it out last night... I am very sorry. this was some of the best snow I have experienced. it was classic champagne powder mixed with the most perfect heal side turns. I love this place. "

and .........."The powder tonight rivaled that normally found out in Utah. Thanks for a great time and short lift lines!"

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday snow

Started to snow at Seven Oaks mid morning today.......light.......then heavier........then a real predicted it is fluffy powder. We groomed a lot of the new stuff in so we would not have it blown into Illinois tonight as the wind increases......we want it on the trails you see.......but it was still snowing steady when we opened at 4 tonight. Everyone was having a great time....and the temps were reasonable too.

Open again tomorrow ......Thursday at 4 for ski and snow board........

I am told the new stock of hoodies and beanies will be available Friday night........sold a lot during last weekend's cold weather.

This weekend looks pretty decent.......especially Sunday........but then again any day on the snow beats a day at work.......right?
You know what might just be my most favorite thing to do in the whole wide world........yep.....driving the snow cat.......pushin snow.....making cordouroy........all by is so cool, so serene, so relaxing........I just LIKE IT.......

see you soon.......

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Practice, practice, practice

In spite of the fact that each chairlift is operated by an electric motor which is inspected daily, and that each electric motor is backed up by a gasoline engine that is inspected weekly, we practice chairlift evacuation with all our lift operators, lift attendants and National Ski Patrollers each year.......which was accomplished last Sunday and went very smoothly.......

here are some pics taken that morning.......

......easy as 1 2 3........
we have 22 National Ski Patrol volunteers at Seven Oaks !

......did you know its going to snow again tomorrow and thursday???

Did you know we are open Wednesday and Thursday night at 4 pm........

did you know it is $10 lift ticket night on Wednesday and Thursday night........see ya there

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Text the word SKI

Text the word SKI to 63218 for a chance to win a $500.00 gift pack to Seven Oaks. Do it soon as the campaign ends in a few weeks.

Just finished grooming and it groomed up beautifully. The annual refresher for chair lift evac was completed this morning after all the team was fed pancakes and muffins.........the refresher went very smooth.

Snow is great.....

Took a look at our ski poles in rental and decided to freshen those up a bit so we will order more new poles tomorrow.

I will have some pics of the refresher to include in tomorrow's blog.

.....and yes, the new class of ski patrollers are in their learning class again this morning. Lots of hours.......

Have a great day and hope to see you soon...........hey, did you know it was 22 degrees warmer here at 7 am this morning than it was yesterday at the same time? It's a heat wave!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's Saturday.......

Started the day with breakfast pizza and a group meeting with all the ski and snowboard instructors......

...while another group of candidates for ski patrol were working on more medical information.....

.....and tomorrow will be the group meeting and training for all the chair lift operators on lift evacuation......just to keep our skills sharp......

First group here today was a group of about 20 something young men from Memphis Missouri that took off this morning to come learn to ski.........

Building two more ski/snowboard racks in the shop last night and today.......

Got more hoodies and beanies ordered a couple days on some of the items we are currently out of we will have back in stock shortly.

Sun is shining bright, no wind but it is a little chilly today.....okay, it's cold but........... guess what........people don't care.........they are getting ready to spend the day on the snow.........Cool, very cool........

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Day.....Brrrrr.....but......

.......but it didn't keep several hundred of you from coming out to play on the snow today. Awesome. Am glad we didn't have a Late Nite scheduled for this weekend Late Nite is January 16.......I need to check out the forecast but I would bet it will be warmer then.

We have our annual chair lift evacuation training and refresher with the ski patrol and the lift operators on Sunday. We'll be done and out of the way by the time we open at 11 am.

Next week will start out normal winter hours.......always check our web site for days of operation, hours open and rates.......we have a lot of different schedules so it is best you check first so there will be no surprises.

See you tomorrow......