Friday, December 31, 2010
Today is a New Day....... 6 pm the temps were dropping fairly quickly........just right.........made the first groom to get air in the top layer of snow......which took about 2.5 hours, then started the process of continuous grooming........and when we shut the cats off this morning at 2 am........I was very pleased with the conditions.........very.......
.......opened at 10 this planned.......greeted with a little burst of sleet.......but no rain.....and it looks like we have dodged the bullet as I don't see much behind this little cell that just went over us.......
......we are of course closing at 6 tonight and then reopen at 7 for our four hour Family Friendly (yes, Coal Creek Lounge will be closed during the event) New Years Eve, snowboard and snow tube for one all inclusive a slice of pizza or hotdog with soft drink for each ticket holder......some party favors will be handed out at about 10:30 in preparation of watching the "big ball" drop in Times Square on our big screen........ needed we will groom starting at 6 pm........but if it doesn't get very warm there is a good chance that won't be required....... more Seven Oaks apparel in designs......., to all of you, regardless of your plans tonight, be smart, be safe, be alive tomorrow.......
......see you soon.......
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Another bonus day.........

I think those are great shots...........
Warmer but conditions not bad.......
......."Conditions for today, Thursday, December 30. Spring like conditions. We are still covered with snow, snow will soften as the day progresses. I would anticipate having spring like conditions all day, wet but not sloppy. Still a great day to be on the slopes. Snow tubing will be the same - the run out will be wet."
......and yes, people are here and on the snow as I type.......skiing, riding and tubing......we groomed the School Yard and the very bottom between lifts where it was more hard packed from all the traffic yesterday. Had about 15 employees ride all the trails and all are reported to be no problem getting an edge. told that DesMoines is pretty snowless this morning after the temps last was warmer there yesterday and last night than at Seven Oaks.........Plus........we had MORE SNOW.......
.....I will get some pics later and post........
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A great day on the snow some more Seven Oaks apparel in yesterday.......will have new beanies next week.......

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
My Bad.......

.....check back tomorrow..........maybe your picture will be on the blog.........
Sunday, December 26, 2010
It's Picture Time......
......several of you have asked for more pictures so here we go with what is planned to be more pictures on the blog each week.....these were all taken this morning........ of our Season Pass families ready to hit the slopes this morning........

See you soon..........
Friday, December 24, 2010
Twas the night before Christmas......
.....entire family has been here to celebrate our Christmas today........just got home from candlelight service .........very to see a lot of folks I have not seen for some time........
........please remember our fellow Americans serving in the armed forces and especially those in harms way as we all enjoy our freedoms ..............
Merry Christmas everyone!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Guess What?
......snow is forecasted to hold off for the most part til we close at 6 pm safely......slow down a little bit........defensive winter driving is best.......and remember there are a lot more than just you heading somewhere of importance.......
.....looks like five inches is predicted for Seven Oaks........maybe more.........we will groom Sunday morning before we open.........see you then.........
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
It is official
......and Kenzies Korner and the Drop Zone will be open for Sunday.........yippee again........
.......had our first school on site today........good snow........well behaved group too...... more new hoodies in.....very cool........
that's it for this time.......
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday on Tuesday, tomorrow, we will get the next two trails open........I haven't seen how much snow was made on Kenzies through the night so I can't comment on that one just yet.......
.......closed today, Monday, and tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday this week...........BUT WE WILL BE OPEN ON THURSDAY......HOLIDAY HOURS......... have a school here Wednesday........first for the season.........
........of course we will be closed Christmas Eve day and Christmas make sure everyone........staff and you as well........can have ample time to enjoy your Christmas events with family and friends........opening Sunday December 26 for a busy consecutive eight days open....
.......speaking of Christmas wife and I joined our son and his family for the 9:15 am Christmas Cantada and worhsip service at the Hope Lutheran Church on Jordan was wonderful.......with a great message..........
.......I think several of you are wondering where Chairlift Tony is this winter...........well he would love to be on site as usual but has some health issues he has to get behind him first.........hope he is in his normal spot later in the season..........he has been a fixture helping so many of you and greeting all of you on the chairlifts for several years.......and who can forget the big fuzzy warm coats..........
.......I think it was Saturday or it might have been last Friday night that Vince and his pal Kevin were skiing again and this time brought their Russian foreign exchange student friend to experience the sport......
.......have a great week and we hope to see you on Thursday...........
Saturday, December 18, 2010
It is a beautiful day....... the snowmaking pump repaired early this in full force tonight...........gonna hammer Elwoods Hideout...........if temps stay down low we should have the three west trails opened with three nights of snowmaking.........stay tuned.......
.....and snow in the forecast Sunday night and much as 2.5" say some.......great!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Wed, Thur, Fri
.....had company Christmas parties in the lodge Wednesday night and again Thursday smelled good.......but I didn't yield to the temptations.......
......then on Thursday, put the finishing touches to the RailYard so a crew could set features Thursday night.......which they did........and pretty much got the tubing runs leveled out ....... always makes me buggy trying to get that much snow leveled..........but pretty well got it.......better than years past when I handed it over to Joel to create the lanes........ all set up to blow more snow on Elwoods Hideout.......and the pump went down......the main pump for the entire water system decided to shut everything down, wiped away some tears ......due to not being able to make snow.......and got ready to tackle it Friday.....
...Friday.......set another feature.......big the Rail Yard and then did a complete groom today..........park looks good........snow was a couple little snowfalls that helped freshen everything up.........
....then a service tech from Des Moines came to help diagnose the problem on the pump........and it looks like it is NOT a major issue......hope to have it back together Saturday we can make snow Saturday night..........whew.......
.......good group assembling tonight.......we opened at 4..........crew is out putting the final shovel to the tubing load ramp and unload it will be ready tomorrow.........
......hope to see you this weekend........
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
How much snow.........
......caught up on the water supply so we shut down........will turn everything back on Thursday so we can get Elwoods open this weekend.........
......better get to work...........
Monday, December 13, 2010
It keeps getting whiter and whiter........
keep the guns on the Rail Yard again all day today.......and all night we can have several features in place for next friday night...........and probably move one gun to Willet's Way to get started on access to Elwoods Hideout.........which we really........really want to have open for Friday night too........and if we miss Friday night........then have it for Saturday open........
.......and we will keep the guns on tubing til we can't make there no more........well that might be an exageration but it does take a LOT of snow on tubing.......and we have a great start on it too......we want to open tubing for Friday night as well.......... that's the plan........that's the hope........stay tuned for updates through the week.....right here on the Seven Oaks Blog......... really was great to have two cats on the hill Saturday afternoon when the temps dropped.......which allowed us to SAVE the is still snow.........NOT ice.......and the couple from Kansas City said yesterday when they were leaving for home that the snow on Sunday was awesome......they said there was NO ice to be found.........and for them to say that meant a lot to us........... hard
Sunday, December 12, 2010 was windy......., the wind is much less than last night, the sun is shining, it is cold...........and we are going to start making snow in a couple hours.........start grooming at 10 this morning..........and DELAY opening til 12 noon today..........
.......the Delayed Opening will let the roads get a little cleaner, the wind to settle down a little more and the temps to rise........although not much........but rise just the same..........
......we will only be operating the Valley View chairlift and the Slow Poke will still give access to all the open trails........
.......speaking of trails.......after we did the complete groom yesterday many of you stopped us to say the snow was then GREAT and how much you appreciated the extra are welcome..........we stand by our repeated statement that Seven Oaks will give you the best snow conditions is important to us........and you....... was good to see Vince and Kevin friday night as well........and really neat they brought their foreign exchange student out to ski with them......!
......better get to work.........see you soon.......
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Great opening last night......

Thursday, December 9, 2010
About 24 HOURS AWAY........

......shut the guns off and ready to start the grooming........ on the right........skis in the middle.........snowboards on the left.......

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
We are in COUNTDOWN.......
.......did a marathon snow push Monday and Monday Abby's Alley, Carter's Crossing and School Yard are 98% ready...........meaning all we have to do is a final groom on these trails.......then on Tuesday we pushed out all the snow on the Freeway......and with the snow made last night........which I have not seen......there will be enough to open it as well.......and I think Friday morning we can PROBABLY get some of the Rail Yard open too........
.....had problems with the PB240 fuel system Monday night so I switched to the PB260 to finish pushing and definitely has more horsepower........which comes in real handy when you are pushing a twenty foot pile of snow up a 70% get the 240 running again......thanks to Kris........ some hoodies and long sleeve T's in, lots of retail stuff came in too.......and we got a couple pair of red or black sweats in with Seven Oaks printed on the rear end........just to see if anyone likes them.......or not.........
......last weeks FAF was a good time........WOW......what a bonfire the team put together for the sacrafice........and Frost did a great job with the "reading" during the event.........
......I promise I will get some pics on the next post......
......did I tell you what a rush it is to start pushing pile after pile of pure white snow that is piled about fourteen feet is great.......
Joel and Ken held the food service team training Monday night........what a great group we have ready to serve you this winter.........
.....just wait til you see the changes we made to the RENTAL SHOP........even I can't believe it is the same place........and the new rental equipment is awesome.........
......So let the countdown begin.........two and one half ........two and one half days and we will open for the season........2010-2011.........we will do all we can to give you the best conditions possible........
......oh yeah,,,,,,,make sure you tell Ken you like his new ride........
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Quick update
......that's pretty normal for November.........pretty spotty on the snowmaking........but with what we did run for hours we have a lot of more good night and the schoolyard will have enough.........probably two good nights and abby's alley will be very close to having enough......
......looking at the forecast we have some nights that the guns should run full on.........however there are also predicted lows that while we can make snow we will be throttled back to about 50% of full capacity.........
......but we WILL get there........don't count on this blog entry as date certain but if I were to guess right now, I would say we will open Friday December 10........but stay tuned........and we will certainly send out an eblast when we are sure........ some new long sleeve T's and hoodies in stock..........more coming.......
.....have employee training this afternoon.........takes us about 5 hours of classroom and hands on to cross train all the outdoor winter employees......... it is thorough and detailed......but for the new team members it is a lot to absorb.......
.....have Friday after Five this coming Friday.......don't forget the offer we gave everyone at the season pass sale day for this FAF........and we will have the second annual sacrafice of skis and snowboard to the Snow god will be fun.........
think snow.......
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
It's official !!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Time will tell......but
.....Ready or we come..........
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I am still here!
......All the things on our list that we wanted to accomplish before the ski season are getting wrapped up.......
- new groomer has been completely gone through
- both approaches to the lodge doors that heave in the winter causing restricted door movement are being replaced today
- a roof over the drive terminal for snow tubing was started today
- new signs for each trail are about done
- the trail map sign has been modified to add Carters Crossing and Bella Bunny Surface Lift
- yesterday we started gutting the rental building so new counters and new shelves can be constructed over the next couple of weekends
- some of the new equipment for rental arrived Monday of this week
- canoes, kayaks, pfd's, trailers and buses have been stored for the winter
- the new rope tow is nearing completion
- a new fence has been constructed at the unload of the Valley View chairlift
- all the rental skis have been tuned up
- and a lot more.........
we are getting pumped for the upcoming season......
had what we think is our last wedding reception in the lodge for 2010........but still have a lot more bookings in the month of November........ranging from company retreats to retirement party........
and the paintball has been wildly busy the past few weeks.........cooler temps I guess........
getting ready to order winter Seven Oaks clothing too........
better keep moving or I won't be ready to drive the new snowcat when it is time!........just kidding.......I am always ready for that......
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Like a Reunion and Christmas was early......
Monday, October 11, 2010
Five and one half away........
......I think the fall leaf colors are maybe about as prime as they are going to get this year.........some areas the trees are already pretty bare........but then a short distance away is a wide range of oranges, reds and yellows.........probably will still be some color next Sunday......
......had ISU house parties in the lodge friday and again saturday night........some canoes and kayaks on the water every day too..........really mild temps for this time of year.......
......should know for certain tomorrow when the groomer we acquired will be here..........should be either Thursday or Friday of this week the last we heard.......but we'll firm that up with a phone call tomorrow........I AM EXCITED ABOUT THIS PIECE OF EQUIPMENT......
......between tomorrow and Saturday we have three groups having company meetings in the lodge, one birthday party and a large wedding reception on Saturday........
.....drove down the new Carter's Crossing and again think the skiers and riders are going to like it......a lot........
......see you Sunday..........remember, those of you with season passes last winter can bring a buddy that did not have a season pass last year.......and you will both be given an additional discount......
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Last Day of Sept and the Checklist
Snow guns ready - DONE
Chairlifts ready - DONE
Surface lifts ready - DONE (only have to put the rope on)
New surface lift installed - Not DONE - layout completed, will be done by end of October
Two snowcats ready - DONE
Additional snowcat purchased - DONE - Delivery second week of October
Earth work for Carters Crossing and Valley View - DONE
Rental Shop remodeled - Not DONE - Scheduled for November
Skis in rental shop tuned - Not DONE - Scheduled for November
Grass on all trails mowed - Not DONE for final time - will be in October at end of growing season
Winter advertising established - Half DONE
Additional skis, boards, boots and helmets for rental - Ordered - Delivery November 1
New feature(s) for park built - Not DONE
Sister ski area program established - DONE - posted on our web on ski rates page
Season Pass Sale & Swap scheduled - Yep, it's Sunday October 17 from 10 am to 5 pm
First 2010-11 season pass sold - DONE - Happened August 18
October Friday after Five - Yep it's tomorrow Friday October 1........see you then..........
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Looks like it's going to freeze.......
.....spent a couple days last week in the Duluth area watching the ships come and go; listening to the waves pound against the shore; taking in the awesome fall colors; .......and checking out another SNOWCAT.........liked what I saw and feel we are 95% certain this is the unit for us.......
.......OMG........the groups using the lodge is busier than ever.......keeps Carol hoppin working out the details of what each wants for their meeting, their reception, their reunion........
........the weather this week is we are taking full advantage working on a lot of outdoor projects.........
........annual ski swap and season pass sale is rapidly approaching..........Sunday, October's gonna be a great winter season.............
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Snow is on my mind the layout for the second surface lift in the school yard done today.......I think the beginners are really going to like having two lifts in the yard........should make all the long lift lines go completely away........
.......also made a change to the unload on the Valley View chair lift.........built a flat ramp on both sides of the unload to give all the snowboarders a place to strap in out of the way of others unloading from the chair..........should make a nice drop off to start the run too.......
.......Monday and Tuesday of this week we got 20 truck loads of rock worked into the camp road........level.......flat.......well almost flat.........should be nice for the peak camp season next summer.........
........speaking of camping we got the additional camp site finished earlier this week too........and seeded just in time for last nights rain........this camp site will be for "quiet camping"........families, church groups, scouts, etc............we like it and hope you will too.........
......doing some negotiating on another snow cat........gonna have to move on this acquisition as the time is coming close to needing's going to be so nice having a second unit us more assurance we can always get groomed the way we like it........even if one unit breaks down........knock on wood.......
.....make sure you check out our web site for these all important dates......
- season pass sale and swap date
- the five Fridays we will be open all day for ski and snowboard in 2012
- the days and hours we will be open around the Christmas and New Years holidays
- our New Years Eve party........first ever........and alcohol free........
.........kicking off the annual Dragoon River Romp Saturday morning........lots of volunteers on the water and on the land along the river doing river clean up........great effort............thanks to all the volunteers........
........Kris is back from is honeymoon overseas..........he seems largely he can oversee the honeydo lists......
.....Lodge is going to continue being busy right up to winter season.........lots of fun things scheduled by a host of different folks.......
.......see you soon.......
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Have just a minute.......
......the Friday after Five with the Blues band was a good time last night........lots of tent campers last night and some of the mountain bike riders started arriving yesterday afternoon.......
.....the wedding party for tonight has been here and gone...........what a neat couple getting married and celebrating with family and friends tonight..........lodge decorating is for the wedding just pulled about 20 minutes the 12 and 24 hour mountain bike race starts..........been a steady stream of bikers arriving this morning and getting their tents set paintball group in the field now .......with another one coming just after lunch........and we have taken four bus loads of people to the river for their canoe, kayak and tube floats......... is active with bookings for tomorrow and Monday river floats..........we have some in inventory yet so get yours booked quickly.........gonna be nicer tomorrow and Monday..........wonderful Labor Day weekend weather...........
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Summer ends with a bang many of you know the 2010 Farm Progress Show kicked off yesterday........just east of here on highway 30...........with West Central hosting a customer appreciation dinner in our lodge last night......catfish, steak, pork chops and lots of sides and appetizers ......smelled and looked wonderful........had a couple of hundred here for the night........great bunch of customers and also had the pleasure of meeting a lot of the West Central gang.........and they too were a great bunch to be with.............then the rain came in about 8 pm last night and dumped a couple of inches........
......I saw on the news this morning that the start time for the Show was pushed back a couple of hours to allow all the vendors time to get dried out and ready for today's crowd..........
.....if you haven't seen the location for the is BIG........looks like a city popped up.......and man do they have a lot of high dollar state-of-the-art equipment being shown and is amazing what technology has done to and for the ag industry.......
......this afternoon two more companies........Vetters and LTK........are hosting their customer appreciation in the lodge.........should be another good time........and you know the food will be great cause it is being catered by Seven Oaks........
.......we get Thursday get ready for our Friday After Five...........with a blues band from DSM that has played here a couple previous times..........and then Saturday noon starts the annual 12 and 24 hour mountain bike race.........with a large wedding reception in the lodge Saturday night............and the race finishes at noon on time to get the lodge ready for an afternoon wedding anniversary party/celebration in the lodge............not to mention the people that will take advantage of the sunny weekend to canoe, kayak and tube.........and yep, there will be groups at paintball as well as campers in the campground too..........whew.......
.......if you have never witnessed our 24 Hour Mountain Bike Race you should stop out for a little bit to watch the racers.........and the entire lawn becomes a weekend community as well with all the families, friends and support staff that set up their tents and campers for the's fun........and the racers are their own breed of animals to race on the technical track for that many hours.........awesome........ and snowboard season passes for the upcoming winter season continue to sell.........still time but don't let the cutoff date for the sale prices slip by...........October 17 is the Swap and Sale.....starting at 10 am and ending at 5 pm...........another big day with lots of friends coming to look over all the equipment........both new........from Wayne's in Mason City........ and a lot of our friends bring their used equipment to sell as they upgrade or up size for themselves......there are a lot of good deals that day............
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
And the Winners Are.......
- Nick Hermanson from Story City
- Rob Walker of Ankeny
- Sheryl Zimmerman from Carroll
- Drew King from Cedar Rapids
- Terri Glandon - Webster
- Michael Reuter - Perry
- Peg Hoyt - Scranton
- Sandy Martin - Pleasantville
- Chad Tomlinson - Earlham
- Stephanie Heath - Waterloo
- Meaghan Kay of Des Moines
the certificates went out in the mail today.......hope to see you soon..........
Monday, August 23, 2010
Fair and Better than Fair
.....the State Fair was a hoot again this to see a lot of Seven Oaks winter patrons........skiers, snowboarders, snow tubers........and many of the summer patrons that have canoed, kayaked and river tubed with us this year and years past...........had several stop to say they loved the lodge for their class reunions.........several of the mountain bikers stopped to say hi and to discuss the upcoming Labor Day 12 and 24 hour bike race..........our 8th Annual race by the way..........and even had some stop by and try to talk us into having motocross races again!!
.....the fair can be a long 11 days of 12 hours in the booth but the opportunity to see so many of you and to answer questions that a lot of Iowans have with regard to who Seven Oaks is.......what we do.........where we are always a big reason we are there year after fact we have been at the state fair for nine years now.......time flies.......
.....and speaking of fairs.......the river and weather is better than just fair right now........perfect comes to mind.......great temps now......river has the sandbars exposed for floaters to use.....and lots of sunshine..........It's my opinion that the next two to three weeks will be better than we have had all summer........did you see the predictions for this coming weekend? ..........sunshine and 90 degrees...........Wow.......that is GREAT weather conditions........there is still time and still room to book your float that mother nature made so difficult for you to take in June and today to book your group.......or just yourself........
......even with summer still on our minds we are getting mentally prepared to transition into our winter fun..........yep.......some are already purchasing their season passes now....... a couple of weeks I want to go to Minnesota to look for a second used snow cat........I don't like having just one as if it breaks down at the wrong time it leaves us in a situation we don't want to be in.......we take great pride in our daily grooming the the snow we want to be sure we can always groom when we want to and need to......and a breakdown of just one groomer could jeopardize that........we'll keep you posted if we find what we are looking less than three months we will be blowing snow..........hard to believe.........
........remember our FAF is September 3rd........
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Fair, Swap, Sale
.....been asked a bunch at the fair when our Annual Season Pass Sale and Ski Swap here it is........Sunday, October 17.........mark your calendars and look for a reminder from us when we get closer.........
....back on the river as of yesterday ........good numbers of reservations this week.......thanks to everyone for your patience.........if I could influence mother nature......I would do it.......probably daily.....
Monday, August 9, 2010
Yep, it's a pattern

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Lodge, River, Paint, Fair
.....our Friday After Five on August 6............yep it is on for sure..........the Grand Times will not be serving this time as they had a change in active duty orders for their son........who now leaves this friday for overseas duty..........God bless him and all the other service men and women for serving the rest of us.......we Thank each of Oaks will provide the meal.......Oak Smoked Pork Loin, pulled pork......cheeseburgers........sides.......we'll take care of you. We will ask that you come to the winter kitchen counter to place your order and seat yourselves.........we don't have the servers available for this gig.........but it will be fun..........First Classic Tractor show on the lawn.........and some good Country Music as Billy Club......
......yep.......enough of the recent storms have missed us that we are going back on the river this weekend........should be fun........will be busy.........and going to be sunny and hot too.......
.......the paintball fields have been busy too with groups of all sizes..........glad we have this option available during the times our full service river floats were not available.........
.......and don't forget to come say hi at the Seven Oaks booth at the Iowa State Fair that starts next Thursday..........same booth location........against the north wall just west of the main entrance off Grand Avenue in the VI come on by and enjoy the air conditioned Varied Industries Building........
......enjoy summer.........and sweetcorn.......
Monday, July 26, 2010
Pineapple Express
We contacted Meteorologist Ed Wilson with WHO and he explained to us why we are getting and have been getting the extraordinary amount of rain that keep tracking across our state. He said........"We are in the pattern again this summer. There was talk of La Nina knocking out the rain and really ramping up the temperatures late July through August. It would be devastating if it happens while the corn crop is reaching full maturity. The jet stream is pushing the Pineapple Express from Hawaii. It pushes the storms right over the central U.S. High dew points are the problem this summer. We have had little to block us from the tropical moisture of the Gulf of Mexico. Usually we see fronts set up farther south and block the moisture plume to Iowa." first........thanks Ed for the really........ we do appreciate it........
then I have to say I have lost some of my appetite for pineapple........and finally I guess for those of us who have never ventured to Hawaii...........mother nature has brought a little of Hawaii to us........geez.......
......river is again looks pretty promising for this coming weekend to let the floats resume........yippee........let's hope so.........blast the pineapples...........
Friday, July 23, 2010
Krazy once again we have had to cancel all of our river floats for today, for tomorrow and for Sunday.........dang it.........
.....we'll continue to monitor the level and the predictions as we have been since Memorial Day (which means we either drive to the river or check the water levels via web about every hour or two......cause we are like that) we want to get all of you back on the books and on the river just as soon as we can.......
......because of the many cancellations and all the new bookings for August and September.........especially on Saturdays.........we are asking everyone to be flexible with your float plans (if you can) by considering a Friday or a Sunday for your weekend float........keeping in mind when the water level is good, Seven Oaks floats 7 days per even Monday thru Thursday works for us if it works for you.........thanks and we hope to see you on the water soon! group today that had to be cancelled on the river float, elected to play paintball for a few hours instead........glad they were flexible........ :)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Genie grants wish from yesterday
......getting things in order for the Iowa State Fair.........remember to come see us on the north wall of the Varied Industries Building.........just west of the main entrance on Grand.........we're giving activity gift certificates away in our drawing........each day........
........reservations for the Lodge have gone is keepin up but busy........lots of corporate meetings, meals and some picnics.........and the normal class reunions and wedding fact 2011 weekends are filling as we if you have a class reunion, family reunion, wedding reception, birthday party, company retreat, picnic or whatever else you might have going on......where you need a unique quiet setting for several........check us out as the site for your gathering.........
Monday, July 19, 2010
Rain, rain go away.......
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Up and Down
Up.......temperatures are definitely up from what we have been yesterday hot or what! Some have predicted we will have a lot of HOT weather for the balance of July and all of August........time will tell.......
Down.....every day the water level on the river continues to go this rate the sand bars will be exposing themselves in a couple more days.......hope it stays that way.......big weekend on the river starting Saturday........
If temps are up and water is is time for you to make your reservation for a relaxing river float.......
Have a private party in the lodge Friday night and another class reunion on Saturday night......getting everything mowed today for paintball and camping this weekend.......
Monday, July 12, 2010
We're back
Had a family reunion in the lodge last Saturday and a double wedding reception in the lodge yesterday, Sunday........good times........
Paintball, tent camping and hiking/biking the 7 plus miles of trails continues to be available and used by several.............come on hot temps and sunshine........
Let's enjoy the rest of our summer...........
Saturday, July 3, 2010
FAF; Classics; Haircut